Wow, that was alot of fun! I had no idea that something like Mosaic Maker was even out there. I guess that's how they create those amazing photomosaics of an image out of thousands of similar images. This mosaic is of my wonderful family. I had to convince them to let me borrow some of their photos since I'm not one for always having a camera on me. They are better with their digital cameras than I am so it works. Can you tell that is my first grandchild? He looks just like his daddy. I was also instructed to put pictures of my other 4-legged granddachshunds - Oscar and Chloe. This is also the reason why I have one standing behind me in my avatar.
I also tried out Mappr. I didn't follow how to produce anything by reading over the website - it seemed too cluttered to understand for me. Perhaps I need to spend some more time on it to figure out what's going on. I don't know, you tell me if you understand Mappr.
Flickr Color Pickr is pretty neat. I like the fact that it does all of the work for you - you just pick the color your looking for!
Overall, I'm just so amazed at how little I know about how much the internet has to offer.